Telegram Logo
Tags: Appliances | messenger
Telegram is a public communication platform, launched in 2013 by an entrepreneur named Pavel Durov. The service carries chats organized via E2EE algorithm, as well as videotelephony and IP telephony instruments. Chats can be organized as personal ones, groups, and channels. Today, the revenue is made by advertisements fee on the platform and paid Telegram Premium subscription, which unlocks exclusive stickers, chat themes, and other features. The software is available free on all the main operational systems, and it’s used by more than 700 million people across the globe.
Meaning and history
In 2013, Pavel Durov left Russia to launch his new communications platform startup named Telegram with his elder brother Nikolai. This software was initially planned to become a high-level security platform, operating completely encoded chat service, which wouldn’t share any user data with companies or governmental organizations.
This was the reason why people have paid attention to Telegram: by October (two months after the foundation), the everyday user count has reached 100,000. Throughout the following years, Telegram upgraded its functions, attracted investments, and exceeded its users number. Now, telegram is an advanced platform with 700 million active users, which can send voice massages, videos, and text massages in various chats and channels.
What is Telegram?
Telegram is a communications software, which was launched in 2013 by Pavel Durov. It allows users to share text, voice, and video missive in chats. These chats can be personal or organized into groups with certain number of users and channels with unlimited member count. It uses an end-to-end codifying algorithm, which increases the security of all communications carried between Telegram users. Now, the total number of Telegram utilizers exceeded 700 million, and they share around 15 billion of messages every day.
2013 – Today
The original logotype was a circular signature with a paper plane on it. Bold and rounded lines were used to draw the plane, making it stylish and minimalistic. The image’s philosophy is simple: users send messages, forwarding them to each other, just the paper planes.
2019 – Today
Following the platform’s development and growing, the Telegram’s brand designers decided to make a slight refreshing of the emblem. The plane became schematic and got bolder lines, which added some joyful mood to the whole logotype.
Telegram is a software, which development and popularization is completely based on the trusting relationships with its audience and investors. To mark this, the circle is painted gradient bright blue to darker blue, as this color reflects trustworthiness, clearness, and openness. The paper plane is white, as it should be. This palette is used in both emblems as the general one, and there are additional color codes, which change according to the background and situation.
In the official logotypes and emblems, the designers haven’t used any inscriptions or characters. But for the inscriptions in the proper software, the letters have the simple Open Sans typeface.