LookMovie Logo

Tags: movie portal | streaming | website

LookMovie is a free movie-watching website. People use this platform to find and watch high-quality movies they have not seen yet. Others also search for their favorites. All the movies and shows are stored on third-party servers, which means that LookMovie does not have to store all of them, which enables it to provide a more varied list of content. Although it is not a comprehensive library of movies, there are plenty for every taste. LookMovie tries to provide only high-quality content, but it would not be surprising if you stumble across a movie or show that would have less than satisfactory quality.

Meaning and History

Created as a movie and TV show streaming service, LookMovie appeared on the market relatively recently. The goal of the platform is to enable users to enjoy their free time without having to pay money for entertainment. Like many movie streaming websites, LookMovie has been criticized for providing content that might be illegal to stream in some countries. This does not stop many from enjoying a huge catalog of titles, while LookMovie gets a profit from the ads.

What is LookMovie?
LookMovie is a controversial movie streaming website. It allows users to watch the latest movies online for free. Moreover, the platform does not require its viewers to create an account, which gives them a chance to go right into enjoying their content.


LookMovie Logo

A bright logo looks great on the dark blue backdrop of the website. The name is split into two parts. The word “Look” had two “O”s stylized as eyes with white eyebrows. The characters were bright yellow with a light brown outline. The uneven edge of the strokes as well as the unevenness of the color make the inscription look handwritten. The next word is printed in a smaller white font that also features the same uneven stroke. It was placed into a TV frame of red color with a maroon backdrop. This was quite symbolic and made the logo memorable. It also had a playful and at the same time spooky appearance, reflecting different movie genres.

Font and Color

LookMovie Emblem

The designers went for a friendly, handwritten font that made the users instantly comfortable on the website. It features sans-serif characters with strokes that have rounded ends and uneven edges. At the same time, the inscription was easily readable, which meant customers did not have to second guess where they were.

The color palette of the logo is quite colorful, but the colors were nicely combined and created a balanced image. First, there is the dark blue, almost black, backdrop that creates a sophisticated and moody feeling. There is also the yellow that instantly gives a joyful and warm touch. There are also two shades of red, but it does not look too daring as the color is muted. Instead, it creates a balanced image. There are also two shades of off-white color that serve as accents.