Ancestry logo

Tags: family history | genealogy | USA

Ancestry company was previously called The Generations Network. It is a private internet company based in Provo, Utah, USA. Ancestry is the largest non-profit genealogical company in the world. It operates as a network of genealogical and historical records websites focused on the United States and 9 foreign countries. The company develops and sells genealogical software, and offers a wide range of genealogy-related services. The company provides access to approximately 11 billion records, 40 million family trees, and 2 million paid subscribers.

What is a curious fact about Ancestry?
In 2020, Ancestry released two new DNA tests that will shed light on the history of family health. They will tell about genetic diseases, provide a report on the risks and reveal the secret of the pedigree.  The test will analyze a person’s potential propensity and risk of inheriting cancer, cardiomyopathy, hypercholesterolemia, hemochromatosis, thrombophilia, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease. The report will also tell you about the intolerance of products and advise which ones should be discarded.

Meaning and History

The Ancestry logo depicts the silhouette of a cedar of Lebanon twig. The Lebanese cedar belongs to the oldest genus of evergreen coniferous trees. The appeal to the image of the oldest tree known on earth since time immemorial means a reference to historical roots, genealogy, because it is in this area that the company specializes.

Font and Color

Ancestry Logo

The main colors of the logo are green and white. The white color is used for the background. Green is used for the main image. The company name itself is also most often depicted in white.

The green color symbolizes trust, nature, growth and harmony, as well as stability and wealth. The presence of this color in the company’s logo shows friendliness. Thus, the company is trying to dispel the stereotype that digital technologies are complex, scary and soulless. You must admit that, in green, the digital world looks kinder, more humane, open and friendly.