AliExpress is a prominent online marketplace controlled by a Chinese company called Alibaba. It emerged in 2010 with the vision of providing a global service to let people buy and sell whatever they want. It has quickly received international fame due to diverse product categories and swift delivery capabilities. Today, it has over 100 million users in its user base.

Meaning and History

AliExpress Logo history

AliExpress, an online retail platform established by Jack Ma in 2010, has garnered immense acclaim as a global marketplace renowned for its extensive product offerings at competitive prices. A trailblazer in cross-border e-commerce, AliExpress has bridged the gap between Chinese sellers and international buyers, facilitating seamless transactions worldwide. With its user-friendly interface and robust buyer protection policies, the platform has attracted millions of customers, offering them a secure and enjoyable shopping experience.

AliExpress boasts several notable achievements, including the remarkable expansion of its product catalog to encompass over 100 million items. It has implemented secure payment systems, instilling confidence in buyers and ensuring smooth transactions. Moreover, the platform has prioritized enhancing customer satisfaction through personalized recommendations and dedicated customer service.

What is AliExpress?
AlieExpress, owned by Alibaba, serves as a digital retail service that helps international customers connect to Chinese buyers and sellers. Iе offers an extensive spectrum of products, available at affordable prices, and global delivery capabilities. The platform works with 100+ million customers worldwide.

2010 – 2015

AliExpress Logo 2010

The initial logo of AliExpress showcased the service’s wordmark, with “Ali” written in orange and the remaining letters in a deep red hue. The font chosen for the logo was bold and had no serifs, which exuded simplicity and clarity. Notably, the letter “E” was replaced with a distinctive red image of a cart, symbolizing AliExpress’ core mission as a comprehensive marketplace.

2015 – 2024

AliExpress Logo 2015

In 2015, the appearance of the system’s logotype transformed. The overall coloring remained untouched, though it became slightly deeper. The typography style was altered more significantly: the symbols became somewhat slimmer, softer, and cleaner. Additionally, the shopping cart was removed in favor of a regular letter ‘E’ in the title case.

2024 – Today

AliExpress Logo


AliExpress Symbol

AliExpress hasn’t been changing its chromatic code since its establishment in 2010. It consists of red and bright orange. Over time, it was modified a bit: the hues became brighter. This vibrant combination is perfect to represent the dynamic and engaging brand of the platform.


AliExpress Emblem

The brand’s logotype has a standard appearance, with serif-free characters composed of lightweight lines. The two letters. ‘A’ and ‘E’ are uppercase, while the remaining symbols are lowercase. Additionally, the brand designers added a small four-ended star in place of the dot above ‘i’, just for decoration.