Johnson & Johnson Logo

Tags: health products | medicinal products | USA

Johnson & Johnson is an American healthcare corporation that specializes in medical devices, pharmaceutical solutions and general health products. It was created in New Jersey in 1886 by the Johnson brothers. The goal was initially to sell surgical supplies after the demand for them grew following the American Civil War. The company went on to expand and include many other medicinal products in their selection.

Meaning and History

The company was created in 1886 by the three Johnson brothers, hence the name. It currently remains one of the biggest providers of medical solutions in America, and it’s one of the biggest such businesses in the world. They entered particular prominence in the 1920-30s, when their expansion started. The company is still independent, although the Johnson family lost control of it in the 60s.

What is Johnson & Johnson?
Johnson & Johnson is an American corporation known for producing a large variety of medicinal products, including medical devices, supplies, pharmaceutical solutions and consumer health goods.

1886 – today

Johnson Johnson Logo

The company has largely used the same logotype since its creation. Small adjustments were made over the many decades, but the general design remains the same.

The original logotype depicts the name of the company, written in a single line of text. The font used for this logotype is distinctly old-fashioned: a cursive, hand-written typeface with a clean, elegant design. Nearly the entire logo is interconnected, save for a gap between the ampersand and the first word. The characters seem entirely lowercase, including the letters ‘J’, which should be capitalized.

This created a very nuanced and elegant, albeit also simple image without any excessive artistic elements.


Johnson Johnson Emblem

The font utilized in the Johnson & Johnson main logotype is a typical script used in the late 19th century. It’s a cursive, hand-written style that barely changed since its introduction in 1886. Back then, it was supposed to be just that – the name of the company written in an attractive manner. Now, it passes as an old-fashioned artistic choice.


Johnson Johnson Symbol

Back in the day, the Johnson & Johnson logotypes were like black, although red was soon adopted as the primary color of the brand. As such, their logotype currently uses a singular shade of bright red, which associates with healthcare, Red Cross and similar concepts. Other shades of red were also used previously, but it’s been the go-to color for about a century.